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Multifaceted Mass Media Campaign on the Warning Signs of Stroke

An Evidence-Based Practice


The Multifaceted Media Campaign on the Warning Signs of Stroke was designed to increase public awareness of the warning signs of stroke. Stroke outcomes decline with delays in seeking medical attention; by increasing public awareness the program aims to ensure timely access to emergency care. The 2-year mass media intervention consisted of a 30-second, black-and-white television advertisement giving the warning signs of stroke and a print advertisement based on the television advertisement. Awareness surveys were conducted in four different communities which received either high-level television advertising, low-level television advertising, print advertisements, or no media campaign.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this media campaign was to increase public knowledge of the warning signs of stroke.


The ability to name the warning signs of stroke increased in communities exposed to television ads.

Results / Accomplishments

Telephone surveys conducted among members of the general public before and after mass media campaigns in the control and test communities were used to determine the effectiveness of the campaigns. In communities exposed to television advertising, the ability to name the warning signs of stroke increased significantly (p's < 0.02). There was no significant change in the community receiving print advertising, and the control community had a significant decrease in knowledge (p < 0.001). Television advertising increased the knowledge of both men and women, and of people with less than a secondary school education, but not of individuals over age 65. Low-level television advertising was as successful as continuous, high-level television advertising.

About this Promising Practice

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
Primary Contact
Krista Orendorff
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1300
Toronto, ON M4P 1E4
416-489-7111 x402
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke
Health / Prevention & Safety
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
Date of publication
Aug 2003
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience