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Flockworks Mask Awareness Project

Flockworks, Fort Bragg
Flockworks is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization successfully supporting community creativity and local arts initiatives since 2006. ​We mobilize resources, talent and time, as a ‘platform' for community artists to support collaborative art and creative initiatives. We add visibility and access to local arts through exhibits, events, public art, hands-on experiences and collective efforts.  We see art and creativity as everyone's birthright and actively reach out to those with little access to creative opportunities.  We believe creative threads tie us together as a community, and positively shape our culture.  We  know that art and creativity helps build resilience.

During COVID 2020, our top priority is to creatively support children. We are working with schools to support Art-Integrated-Learning to help  children thrive despite distance and isolation.

The Project
Flockworks partnered with FBUSD to distribute 800 art bags to students. Each art bag had two packs of masks, instructions, and decorating materials such as machine-washable markers. Kids were encouraged to decorate masks for their households. The goal is to keep kids creatively engaged and to involve kids on a very contemporary issue with a creative twist. 

Resource Date:
October 6, 2020
Resource Type:
Flockworks Mask Awareness Project