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"Small Steps" Resource Guide - Coming Soon

A “Small Steps” Resource Guide – coming soon to Mendocino County!

This year, Healthy Mendocino will be launching a “small steps” resource guide. It will provide ideas – big and small – for taking the small steps towards health that you can tailor to fit your needs and interests. This guide will provide a listing of local resources found in each community in Mendocino County – everything from walking trails and healthy eating workshops, to whale watching spots and fitness retreats. There will be something for everyone!

The power of small steps is that they can take us to our big goals. Each time we take a small step, we are gaining momentum towards creating healthy habits. It feels good! We’re not giving anything up. In fact, the opposite is true – we are gaining something wonderful.

For instance, if you’re thinking about starting a “diet” and want to make it become a lasting lifestyle change, here’s some advice from local health coach and author, Sid Garza-Hillman. “If you want to eventually feel better and be healthier, just start for now by adding some vegetables into your daily diet. For now, do not worry about removing anything. Add stuff in, see how you feel, and if you decide to go further, bring in a little more. Eventually you might try decreasing some of the foods you now know are not adding to your health.”

If you’re thinking about exercising more, consider how much you’re moving your body right now. “If you don’t think you have time for an hour at the gym, try thirty, fifteen, ten, or even five if that will get you going. Better yet, try walking out your door for two minutes, saving the driving time… It’s motivating once you realize you can manage a two-minute walk, then try walking for four, or even increase your speed at some point,” writes Garza-Hillman in Approaching the Natural: A Health Manifesto.

                To learn more, stay tuned for the “Small Steps” Resource Guide. Until then, here’s to living healthier and happier!

Click here for an article on "10 Baby Steps to Healthy Eating".

Tarney Sheldon
Resource Date:
January 5, 2016
Resource Type:
"Small Steps" Resource Guide - Coming Soon