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What's Your Purpose? Finding a Sense of Meaning in Your Life is Linked to Health.

Introduction by Molly Rosenthal, Healthy Mendocino Coast Coordinator
When we think about health, rarely do we consider purpose and meaning as playing a role in our well-being. Having purpose in our lives and work builds a sense of resilience. A clarity of purpose can help us stay focused and on track mentally and spiritually in the face of setbacks both in our personal and professional lives. An overall sense of purpose and belonging acts as a "north start" guiding us through tough times. Having meaning in our lives also cultivates a personal hope for the future.

Finding a sense of meaning in your life can also benefit your physical health. A study published by JAMA Current Open last year found people who didn't have a strong life purpose — which was defined as "a self-organizing life aim that stimulates goals" — were more likely to die than those who did, and specifically more likely to die of cardiovascular diseases.

Read the NPR Article Here

Mara Gordon, NPR News
Resource Date:
January 8, 2020
Resource Type: